Our expertise at your service
In the process of creating a BOI company in Thailand it is often better to be accompanied by a professional and competent team. You will be able to take full advantage of subsidies, exemptions and other benefits offered by the Thai government to investors.
Our team is involved at all strategic levels of your company in Thailand: BOI application, visa, work permit, accounting, customs, import-export, …
Our team is almost twenty years of experience serving your company in Thailand. We operate mainly in the provinces of Bangkok, Chonburi and Rayong but can also move us to other locations if necessary.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
BOI Thai, our expertise at your service.
BOI Thailand, introducing
BOI Thailand : The Office of the Board of Investment
BOI Thailand, the Office of the Board of Investment is a government agency under the Office of the Prime Minister. Its core roles and responsibilities are to promote valuable investment, both investment into Thailand and Thai overseas investment.

Incentives to Promote Investment
Tax incentives
• Exemption of corporate income tax for up to 13 years (According to activity & conditions).
• 50 percent reduction in corporate income tax for 5 years (only in special investment promotion zones).
• Exemption of import duties on machinery.
• Exemption of import duties on raw or essential materials used in production
for export.
• Exemption of import duties on raw or essential materials used in research
and development purposes.
Non-tax incentives
• 100% foreign ownership (except activities under List One annexed to the Foreign Business Act B.E 2542 (1999) or stated in other laws).
• Permit to own land.
• Permit to bring in skilled workers and experts to work into the Kingdom.

BOI Thailand services
• Provide advice and information on investment opportunities and rules & regulations on BOI investment promotion.
• Link investors with government agencies & private sector to facilitate business operation such as company establishment and work permit application process.
• Provide support on industrial linkage and sourcing of local suppliers.
• Provides support on the identification of potential investors.
• Provide counsel on overseas investment and provide training courses on overseas investment for Thai investors.
• Provide services in identifying and recognition of foreign specialists or researchers in science and technology by BOI Strategic Talent Center (STC).
• Provide counsel on overseas investment and provide training courses on overseas investment for Thai investors.
One Stop Services Center
Provide one stop service for visa and work permit, and investment in IHQ, ITC and the investment in Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
Criteria for Project Approval
• The value-added of the project must not be less than 20% of revenues. For projects in agriculture and agricultural products, electronics products and parts, and coil centers, all of which must have value-added of at least 10% of revenue.
• Activities must use advanced technology.
• Adequate and efficient guidelines and measures to protect the environment
and to reduce environmental impacts must be included. The Board will give special consideration to the location and pollution treatment of the project.
Minimum Capital Investment
• The minimum capital investment requirement of each BOI Thailand project is 1 million baht (excluding cost of land and working capital).
• For knowledge-based businesses such as R&D activities, Software, Electronics Design, Engineering Design, and Creative Design must have salary expenses of specified personnel of at least 1.5 million baht per year.
• For newly established projects, the debt-to-equity ratio must not exceed 3 to 1. Expansion projects shall be considered on a case-by-case basis.
BOI Thailand : Eligible activities
More informations
Conditions and rights and benefits of projects that receive investment promotion shall be specified for each activity.
The following activities are classified as activities of special importance and benefits to the country that will be granted corporate income tax exemption without being subject to a corporate income tax exemption cap:
- Category 1.3 Economic forest plantations (except for Eucalyptus)
- Category 3.9 Creative product design and development centers
- Category 4.11.1 Manufacture of air frames, air frame parts and major aircraft appliances, e.g. engines, aircraft parts, propellers and avionics
- Category 5.6 Electronic design
- Category 5.7 Software
- Category Production of electricity or steam power from waste or refuse-derived fuel
- Category 7.8 Energy Service Company (ESCO)
- Category 7.9.2 Industrial zones or technology industrial zones
- Category 7.10 Cloud services
- Category 7.11 Research and development
- Category 7.12 Biotechnology
- Category 7.13 Engineering design 3
- Category 7.14 Scientific laboratories
- Category 7.15 Calibration services
- Category 7.19 Vocational training centers
Source: Announcement of the Board of Investment No. 2 /2557 and Announcement of the Board of Investment No. Sor. 1/2560